Overview / Business Division / CI / Location
Our dream of a future world in which everyone has a comfortable and enriched life is now within reach through the Internet of Things (IoT). The possibilities of the IoT will allow us to experience changes that we previously could not even think about.
This IoT capability can be described as a diverse and innovative concept of the ICT sector and the birth of our future life. It’s for those who desire new services by connecting countless devices to computing systems and infrastructure via the network.
Since 2001, Vinetech has been providing robust systems, solutions and support services for our electronic and semiconductor market customers. Working with efficient IT systems such as HPC and Grid, as well as network and security solutions for enterprise and small to midsized companies, a stable and profitable growth has been accomplished.
In addition, we are constantly working hard to meet the challenges ahead in this competitive market, through the research and development of new solutions and new business approaches.
“Vinetech” is a compound word indicating deeply-rooted and mature,
with technical and professional expertise. [Grape(vine) + Tech]
We are creating competitive value for our customers, and developing as a result.
“Using Talent and Technology to provide the best products and services for human society.”
Welcome to Vinetech
CEO, Hag-ki Kim A very warm welcome to you.
Vinetech since 2001
제품별 연락처
솔루션분야 | 제조사 | 제품명 | 담당자명 | 유선연락처 | 이메일 |
스토리지 | NetApp | 전제품 | 권재철 상무 | 02-2182-8322 | jckwon@vinetech.co.kr |
서버시스템 | HP | 전제품 | 권재철 상무 | 02-2182-8322 | jckwon@vinetech.co.kr |
HPC 솔루션 | IBM | LSF/Syphony | 신은식 전무 | 02-2182-8311 | esshin@vinetech.co.kr |
보안 | RSA | SecurID | 신은식 전무 | 02-2182-8311 | esshin@vinetech.co.kr |
네트워크SW | Ipswitch | WhatsUp Gold | 서상분 상무 | 02-2182-8333 | eswsales@vinetech.co.kr |
네트워크장비 | Moxa | 전제품 | 서상분 상무 | 02-2182-8333 | moxa@vinetech.co.kr |
IoT 플랫폼 솔루션 및 서비스 제휴 | Vinetech | 전제품 | 이강선 부장 | 02-2182-8373 | ks.lee@vinetech.co.kr |